causes and solution of polygamy

Instead of cheating - infidelity is one of the top reasons for divorce in the West - Islam allows a man to marry more than one wife, with full recognition of the rights of all of them. In contrast to polygamy, monogamy is marriage consisting of only two parties. Polygamy has negative effects and influences on mental health adolescents and teenagers. The Prophet Muhammad had a novel solution to this problem. Bad solutions? Additionally, African intellectuals are under the influence of spiritual factions that often impede efforts toward development. That insured survival and the continuation of the human species. It is also defined as the other side of the coin when . Even when junior wives are known, the addition of wives causes significant stress as it means a change in family and economic structure (Hassouneh-Phillips, 2001). Some are completely against, others are for and some believe that polygamy is the solution to some family problems. Hiebert insists that once the church accepts polygamy, it is very difficult to eliminate it from its community, specifically in the rural regions. Explanation:' major source of women's oppression is the high premium placed on having children and particularly male children. Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash. Centuries later, polygamy, in China, was made . This research material "Causes, Effect And Solution To Population Growth In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Esan Central Local Government Area)" is for research purposes and . What does it mean? Hence, having few number of children, monogamy and improvement in the . and solutions even stranger and more convoluted [than the . It was observed that polygamy; illiteracy, poverty and early marriage are some of the reasons responsible for the rapid increase in population. As a society today, polygamy introduces problems such as women's mental health suffering, financial problems, and problems with children growing up. Instead of cheating - infidelity is one of the top reasons for divorce in the West - Islam allows a man to marry more than one wife, with full recognition of the rights of all of them. April 12, 2008. Instead of abandoning families, widows and orphans, in the hope of holding on to some notion of 'equality' and monogamous marriage under all circumstances, Islam . This could probably solved by government should be to make the new rules against the polygamy. Causes and Contributing Factors. For me, one thing was certain: in all societies, polygamy is one of the most controversial issues for which no one has been able to find any definitive solution. The Wisdom Behind Polygamy. It means a wife can't make her husband love her. September 3, 2011. chanson 88. This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. A man's wealth was measured by the number of his wives as well as the number of his children and cattle or livestock. From the physical and emotional abuse that can occur within a polygamous . Moreover, polygamy causes many problems that bring families to court and create hostility and hatred among half-brothers and half-sisters, [hostility and hatred] that last generations and divide families If memory serves, that was one of the arguments of the Tunisian government. Polygamy is another cultural practice that has closely been linked with the rise of HIV/AIDS in Africa. Polygamy and bigamy refer to marriages, or continued conjugal relationships, between more than two persons. Despite the causes discussed above regarding the reasons for increased polygamy, there are quite a few readily available solutions which could be implemented to mitigate/alleviate the impact triggered by the potential factors. Polygamy has been practiced in all parts of the world Effects of Polygamy Often times in polygamous marriages, several harmful effects comes from it including pitting co-wives against each other and various forms control over the wives. The question of polygamy is an interesting one in that most people today view polygamy as immoral while the Bible nowhere explicitly condemns it. They come crashing back upon the palaces, overthrowing the leaders (no Ottoman Sultan ever died of natural causes) and establishing a new regime that is just like the old one, where powerful are allowed to take multiple wives. Polyandry involves individual females mating with two or more males. Polygamy is a term that means multiple spouses (White & White, 2005). He says He causes laughter and tears. And there are several different terms for variations on the practice. The proposal to encourage polygamy as a solution to the overabundance of unmarried women in Saudi Arabia aroused a public debate in the country, which increased following the proposal in the matter by Hawazin Mirza, a lecturer at King 'Abd Al-'Aziz University in Jeddah. It gives rise to the problem of determining biological paternity of the child. In a March 26, 2017 interview with the Gulf TV channel Rotana, she called . The basic principle in Islam is that men are held . "I don't understand why it is a situation where it is being looked upon as such a disadvantage, when to me, it has practical use. to the cause of polygamy among birds on the one hand, and Pin- nipedia on the other, were the result of independent investigations, and hence will serve to strengthen each other in some important particulars. In conclusion, there are variety of different factors that have led to make the this problem worse while it may not possible to find a complete solution of this. The optimum population growth is the best types of population among citizens, them over under population. Initially, awareness about polygamy could be an effective tool. From the physical and emotional abuse that can occur within a polygamous . Second, some males may have much better genes than others which is particularly important for. However, the practice is argely carried out in many African communities as part of tribal traditions without much concern from the government. Rapid population growth is usually lead to fall in per capital income. Wars or epidemics which may cause decrease in the number of males are two examples of it. There are two major types of polygamy. Rapid population growth is normally caused by early marriage polygamy improvement in medical mechist facilities, improvement in standard of living etc. While the treatment of women has tremendously increased in the West, the East still struggles with this. In their less common form, polyandry, a single wife has multiple husbands. discrimination FLDS Freedom Politics Polygamy. Yet, polygamy allows men to let their sexual impulses lose without control and reason guiding the impulse to have sex and procreate. Some listed and discussed below from specific examples and statistics in . Which means that they are quite expensive for us. While observing special conditions, the licensing of polygamy is a social needs and it is in the primary interest both women and men. 1. In the US, people who are married receive many, many benefits. Some of the reasons why polygamy has been allowed in Islam, from population statistics to the physical nature of humans. Rapid population growth is normally caused by early marriage polygamy improvement in medical mechist facilities, improvement in standard of living etc. Islamic polygamy addresses the social problems of prostitution and extramarital affairs common in the West. The first solution to curb this major problem is to educate people about the negative side of polygamy and the adverse effects it can do to the society as a whole. Despite the causes discussed above regarding the reasons for increased polygamy, there are quite a few readily available solutions which could be implemented to mitigate/alleviate the impact triggered by the potential factors. Also the effects have raised concerns that the planned economy may not be able to sustain present or large number of inhabitants. Thus, in th Thus, girls ar e devalued at birth when. That said, polygyny remains very common . The basic principle in Islam is that men are held . Mormons referred to their practice of polygamy as plural marriages (White & White, 2005). 1 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 Overview The study presents the causes of domestic violence and polygamy, challenges of domestic violence and polygamy and possible solutions to address domestic violence and polygamy in Bihanga Sub -county in Kamwenge District 1.1.2 Background Polygamy is a practice whereby man is married to or is committed to more . Monogamy, on the other hand, is practiced all over the globe and is the unanimous choice in America and Europe. Second reason: Polygamy promotes individual rights and freedom. Such paranoid ideation discriminate women in family, government or even workplace . Many of Jamaica's social problems, especially those concerning the family and paternity, can be alleviated if the country practised polygamy, a female member of the Islamic Council of Jamaica has said. Rapid population growth is usually lead to fall in per capital income. Answer: Maybe polygamists also typically don't use birth control and prefer sex with women who are not pregnant? It was prestigeous to have many wives. Rapid population growth is normally caused by early marriage polygamy improvement in medical mechist facilities, improvement in standard of living etc. Polygamy and bigamy refer to marriages, or continued conjugal relationships, between more than two persons. Three kinds of polygamy practiced in Western societies: Serial polygamy, that is, marriage, divorce, marriage, divorce, and so on any number of times; a man married to one woman but having and supporting one or more mistresses; an unmarried man having a number of mistresses. Monogamy is the custom of having a sexual relationship or marriage with only one person at a time. He controls the heart. A man would marry many wives and if the first one were to die, he would replace her with another wife (Tracy, 2002). The causes of polygamy seem to be plenty but the root underlying reason for why a person resorts to polygamy is dissatisfaction from the current marriage. The husband can't make himself love his wife either. Polygamy is therefore, defined as a form of marriage in which a man, as the head of the family, can have more than one wife at the same time. Polygamy (from Late Greek (polugama) "state of marriage to many spouses") is the practice of marrying multiple spouses.When a man is married to more than one wife at the same time, sociologists call this polygyny.When a woman is married to more than one husband at a time, it is called polyandry.. Initially, awareness about polygamy could be an effective tool. Most of the African women perceive polygyny as beneficial because it guarantees . Polygamy may promote gender inequality Some spouses may be treated quite poorly Tensions in the household will be quite common Spouses may not accept children from other spouses Spouses may be stuck in unhappy marriages Children may get neglected Mental issues related to polygamy Polygamy is considered as dodgy in many regions However, this practice causes competition and Jealousy among wives. Such kind of fatherhood is known as "sociological fatherhood". Causes of Polygamy. . Hence, Islam proposes polygamy as a solution in a time of crisis. It must not be confounded with mere promiscuous sexual inter- Islamic polygamy addresses the social problems of prostitution and extramarital affairs common in the West. In contrast to polygamy, monogamy is marriage consisting of only two parties. First theme: reasons of polygamy as findings indicated that majority of females allowed their husbands for co-wives due to infertility or having only female children, husband's love marriage, and. Scope Of The Study. In the state of nature, people were generally polygamous, as are most animals. Also, it features Live Help through chat. My first reaction on hearing about the Texas raid was "Finally, the authorities have stopped ignoring the abuses committed by the polygamists!". 1. It made sense for one man to mate with many women in order to have many children. According to Tabi, Doster, and Cheney (2010), the African women perception of polygyny contributes to them accepting the practice. It is obvious that everyone wants to be free to associate, choose, decide and so on, and this applies to the practice of polygamy. First, there may be a scarcity of adult males. local pastors have faced problems in trying to bring one type of solution to this ethical issue. Polygamy and Islam Polygamy and Islam ~ 3 ~ POLYGAMY AND ISLAM In terms of the birth rate, men and women are almost equal in number. Polygyny involves individual males mating with multiple females. . New articles are added every week. While polygamy isn't present there, apparently messing around and having out of wedlock kids is ok there. They base their whole life on . A women's group campaigning to stop polygamous marriages among Israeli Beduin is running into strong resistance from Islamic groups and even some politicians. After Jesus came, God corrected this problem and Paul wrote going forward that the leaders of God's kingdom could only have one wife: My solution isn't all that different from Dorne really. Polygamy (from Late Greek (polugama) "state of marriage to many spouses") is the practice of marrying multiple spouses.When a man is married to more than one wife at the same time, sociologists call this polygyny.When a woman is married to more than one husband at a time, it is called polyandry.. This is really a problem that seriously needs to be addressed. We live in a dysfunctional world where homosexuality is celebrated while people argue that polygamy should not be legalized because it would cause gender inequality and social instability. The organizers of the "No Excuse . Go and conquer neighboring societies and requisition their . A wife is unhappy living in polygamy because she fails to know, understand, and believe that only Allah can make her happy. In this holistic approach on communal violence, a few factors need explanation. Muslims comprise 12.12 per cent (11.5 crore) of the total population in the country. is a forward-looking solution, and will not unmake existing unions . These benefits are quite expensive for the government. Does Polygamy Have Solutions . Although strongly criticized, unaccepted, and outlawed in the western world, polygamy comes with various benefits. Upto 1994, the percentage of Muslims in the IAS was 2.9, in IPS 2.8, in banks 2.2 and in the judiciary 6.2. There are three basic reasons for polygyny in birds. The fear of divorce, infertility, legal, and how women perceive polygamy, contribute to polygamy in many societies. In conclusion, polygamy has many dark sides that people need to be aware of. The fear of divorce, infertility, legal, and how women perceive polygamy, contribute to polygamy in many societies. With many animals, the male leaves the female soon after mating and long before any offspring are born. It was born of 'necessity' or a show of wealth. In countries like Kenya, polygamy is permitted as long as all those involved consent. Of course, man's rights have been also remembered. Several prominent men in the Old Testament were polygamists. . There are many reasons why Africans practiced and valued polygamy: 1. Population of Pakistan is increasing rapidly day by day due to the following causes HIGHER BRITH RATE ECONOMIC FINACIAL SOCIO CULTURAL OLD TRADITION OF EARLY MARRIAGE RELIGIOUS SUPPORT POLITICAL CONSTRAINTS TO FAMILY PLANING MEDICAL TECHNICAL . Polygamy is a social phenomenon that has existed for thousands of years in cultures around the world. Polygamy is the practice of having more than one spouse at the same time. RESPONSIBILITIES OF A HUSBAND: Before mentioning the conditions of polygamy, we must know that according to the Quran men are responsible, therefore . Polygyny, the practice wherein a man has more . This, as a result, causes complications between the spouses. They base their whole life on . 2. Yet the more I hear about this story, the more reservations I have about it. Three kinds of polygamy practiced in Western societies: Serial polygamy, that is, marriage, divorce, marriage, divorce, and so on any number of times; a man married to one woman but having and supporting one or more mistresses; an unmarried man having a number of mistresses. Islam condones but discourages the first and forbids the other two. 2. Rapid population growth is normally caused by early marriage polygamy improvement in medical mechist facilities, improvement in standard of living etc. In polygamous cultures, polygamy is traditionally practiced by both men and women and can involve multiple spouses (polyandry) or multiple spouses of each gender (group marriage). CAUSES OF OVER POPULATION By Fayaz Ahmad Department of Statistics University of Malakand Chakdara K.P.K Dir (L) 2. It can be a real solution for warring countries with high male mortality rate. I saw that the rate of polygamy was decreased as compared to pest time. The opposite of monogamy is polygamy which is the act of having more than one spouse. Throughout history, women, for the most part, have been undermined and disrespected. These include high sexual satisfaction and better old age care on the part of the male. Monogamy occurs when one female mates with a single male. It made sense for one man to mate with many women in order to have many children. Islam condones but discourages the first and forbids the other two. . Monogamy is by far the norm in Muslim societies, as most men cannot afford to maintain more than one family, and many of those who could would rather not. Rapid population growth is usually lead to fall in per capital income. Just a general stereotype. Among the Polyandrian Todas, one of . Polygamy consists of any mating system where a female or a male mates with two or more members of the opposite sex. It was born of 'necessity' or a show of wealth. Based on the limited history of community's like Bountiful the root cause of polygamy is assessed to be religion. . People often resort to polygamy due to various reasons including when either of the partners is infertile, lusts men/women outside of a marriage, financial issues in the marriage and a lot more. Polygyny describes a man who has many wives and polyandry describes a woman who has many husbands (White & White, 2005). The first instance of polygamy/bigamy in the Bible was that of Lamech in Genesis 4:19: "Lamech married two women.". In some cultures, women and children were property. Polygamy offered a solution to this possible problem. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. Polygamy sometimes causes divisions among partners, and is a cause for tearing the family apart, especially that some men practice it unjustly and abuse it, claiming that religion gave them this . In an attempt to find a lasting solution to the impoverishment of Africa and to put the continent on the path to prosperity, Dr. Roland Holou ( has suggested pertinent and practical reforms in his book that should be initiated. Indeed, when it comes to this topic, people's reactions differ. This book provides anyone who is concerned with the development in Africa valuable information . That insured survival and the continuation of the human species. On the contrary, Islam has some reasons why it allows polygamy, such as assert woman's rights, her right for married, make a family, have and raise their children. Even though polygamy has one major root cause, there are many issues caused that prevent polygamy from decriminalization. Causes of Polygamy. True polygamy is something of a rarity among the Mammalia. Indeed, polygamy and certain sexual perversions not only contribute to underdevelopment in Africa, but also to the culture of African destitution. But subsequently, for a variety of reasons, the number of men in society decreases, leaving an excess of women. According to Tabi, Doster, and Cheney (2010), the African women perception of polygyny contributes to them accepting the practice. The optimum population growth is the best types of population among citizens, them over under population. The western one is fairly unique in it not being a presence. Answer. Most of the African women perceive polygyny as beneficial because it guarantees . Quite a number of questions arise when one seeks to develop an approach to resolve this issue of polygamy. The Problems Caused By Polygamy Polygamy is a social phenomenon that has existed for thousands of years in cultures around the world. Answer: Maybe polygamists also typically don't use birth control and prefer sex with women who are not pregnant? the basic cause of the perpetuation of polygamy even among Christians. I am going to ignore all of the cultural and moralistic reasons and give you a practical reason for the illegality of polygamy. To address a problem, the root causes of such a problem needs to be unraveled. My personal stereotype opinion of polygamists, specially the religious ones, is that they are no better than rutting animals. It is confirmed that family structure has main effects on mental health for the children; so the biggest problem in polygamous families is . Just a general stereotype. My personal stereotype opinion of polygamists, specially the religious ones, is that they are no better than rutting animals. In this context, the history of the precolonial Africa and how they dealt with this problem becomes indispensable so we can know how best to tackle this problem of side chicks. The decision to practice polygamy should be left with the individual; it is a personal decision that no person or institution should interfere with. This damages discipline among men, allows their sexual impulses to become a controlling obsession and distraction and allows sex, procreation, and child-rearing to become the dominant factor in a man's life. Now the question arises as to what should be the solution to this problem. All these are in turn tied to inheritance rights, which are reserved for males only. In conclusion, polygamy has many dark sides that people need to be aware of. Polygamy also causes problems like increasing the expenditure of the household, property & inheritance rights, etc. Moreover, GBV can be caused by social and political idealisations that certain roles or 'jobs' are for men. These types of marriages have been more present in the whole history of Africa like no other continent in the world. Islam, on the other hand, has permitted the practice of . Polygamy was never God's will, but because people hardened their hearts, God instituted laws to regulate it, like He did divorce. An op-ed published July 21 in the New York Times makes the case for pulling polygamy into the sphere of legalized unions: With same-sex marriage on the books, we can now ask whether polyamorous . parent and the child, which causes the child to receive less emotional and psychological security, Because there are and there can always be problems and needs which may resort to polygamy as a solution. One is the illogical feeling of discrimination among the Muslims. But the primitives have their own social methods of determining the fatherhood of the child. Polygamy has been around in many cultures in our own world. . Bigamy is typically defined as having two spouses at once no more, no less while polygamy can refer to having many spouses. 12 Levy and Marshall felt that digital libraries are a polygamy of documents, technology, and work.11 Lesk analyzed the relative importance of the words digital and library and concluded that many of those efforts were not associated with users' needs and the use of provided resources. Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash. More frequently, in polygyny, one husband has multiple wives. The optimum population growth is the best types of population among citizens, them over under population. thereby "monopolizing the reproductive lifespan of more than one woman without suffering the social stigma of polygamy." II. Real Causes and Solutions to African Impoverishment. According to. Social Implications of Polyandry: Polyandry has its own implications. Islam does not leave the widows during such a time to fulfil their needs through extra-marital relationships.

causes and solution of polygamy